Singing Valentines are for Everyone!

"Let Me Call You Sweetheart"

There's no more romantic way to show your special someone your love.
Surprise your sweetheart with a Singing Valentine this year.

$50.00 for a song delivered by a barbershop quartet.
Also includes the delivery of a Card, a Red Rose, a Chocolate treat..

We gladly accept cash, checks, credit cards and PayPal

9 AM to 6 PM - Friday, February 14.

Scheduling is on a first requested, first reserved basis.
You have a choice of times.

Delivery times will be Friday, Feb 14, 9 am - 6 pm*
You may select from the following times: morning, noon, afternoon, evening.

Contact us at (605) 646-3098 to schedule a valentine

*Quartets will be available during the times listed above. Other times may be available upon request.
Additional fees may apply for alternate times or additional special requests.

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