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Harmony Happening in the Hills

Harmony Happening in the Hills, August 22 and 23, 2025!

Harmony Happenings in the Hills is a festival for Barbershop Society members, both men and women, who love to sing!

This year's festival will be held on August 22 and 23. Due to circumstances beyond our control this year we will not be singing at Mt Rushmore nor will the event be held in Hill City as in previous years. We are excited to be able to hold the event at the historical Performing Arts Center in Rapid City, South Dakota. Festivities will begin on Friday, August 22 at 5:00 at the Center where old friendships are renewed and new friends are made. That evening we will have the renowned Somewhat Serious Quartet contest where each singer draws a playing card from the deck and along with three others with similar cards, forms a quartet and performs before a panel of judges to compete for a coveted medal and bragging rights as being the great singers they always knew themselves to be. There will be sandwiches and assorted snacks and of course, a cash bar provided by the Performing Arts Center.

Most of the day Saturday, the 23, will be spent working on music chosen by a quest clinician who will teach, explain and unite all participants into one large performing chorus, all the while encouraging laughter and just downright fun. Later Saturday evening, around 5PM, the chorus will perform for the public at the Performing Arts Center. Following the performance all participants and spouses or quests will congregate for hors d'oeuvres and afterglow in another area of the theater.

Make your plans now to attend this great acapella event either as an active singer or audience member. Enjoy participating with others from around the area who love to sing as much as you do, learn new technigues and make new friends in the process. Much more information will be forthcoming in the next weeks regarding accommodations in Rapid City, registration information and music selection. If you have questions, please contact Rod Pfeifle at 605-863-2345 or email anejoteq@hotmail.com. We look forward to seeing you in August--keep the whole world singing!!

It is with great pleasure Linda and I announce that the guest clinician for Harmony Happening in the Hills 2025 will be Ron Black. This will be Ron's first time as guest clinician for HHH event.

As the Rocky Mountain District Director for Chorus Director Development, Ron's role is to both be available to communicate with Chapter Music Directors, and to offer assistance and even visit chapters to coach the Director and provide improvements in his or her skills. Ron Black is a 51 year BHS member. Ron majored in Renaissance vocal and instrumental performance. Instead of pursuing graduate studies in England, he stumbled on to barbershop quartet singing! He sang bass in both Far Western District Semi-Finalist quartets Great Western Timbre Company and Rhythm and Rhyme. He directed the Fresno Gold Note Chorus to seventh-place international competition in 1984 and 1985, and the Heart of Texas Chorus in six international competitions, placing as high as 9th in the contest in 2008 in Nashville. In 1985 he became a Sound Category judge, then in 1993 the first Singing Category Specialist, then the Music Category, then chair of Contest and Judging in 1995-1996. He retired from judging after over 30 years in 2017. Ron has coached many quartets and choruses in the U.S. and abroad. He was on the Harmony University faculty for over 30 years. He is included in the BHS publication "Visions Of Excellence", as one of 25 finest directors in the Barbershop Harmony Society. He is thoroughly enjoying directing the Longs Peak Chorus, starting just two years ago. In his infrequent spare time he eats, sleeps, and writes computer accounting software.

We look forward to great things with this announcement and know you all will be more than pleased with Ron and what we can learn from him.

Take care and see you in August.

Rod Pfeifle & Linda Iverson event co chairs